
Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 days of Christmas

Hey y'all,

Since this blog is about art, I wanted to share this with you and put you all in the holiday spirit. I made this Christmas ornament today for the Penn State Cheerleaders and Lionettes Booster Club's christmas tree. You can't tell, but it is covered in glue and there is tape in the most obvious places.

It was fun to do so please don't make fun of me.

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukah/ Happy Kwanzaa English 15s! Hope your holiday wishes come true. (Never ask me to make you a creative craft because the results are horrifying).



  1. Thats awesome. i wish i had the artistic ability to make something like that. im amazed that its almost Christmas time and that te semester is already wrapping up. It went way faster than i thought it would, do you feel the same way?

  2. Can't believe the first semester is over! Time flies.
