
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Arbitrary Happiness at the Arboretum

Miserable and half-asleep, I traveled down Bigler making my way to the H.O. Botanical Gardens at the Penn State Arboretum. I shivered with each step as harsh fall winds tackled me. It is really unnatural for college kids to wake up so early on a Monday morning (or any morning for that matter).
            It’s safe to say I don’t normally wake up on the wrong side of the bed. For those who know me personally, I am never the one to bring a situation down with pessimism. So I decided I must have been coming down with something and would self medicate myself with doses of Keorig hazelnut coffee when I got backed to the dorm.
            Even when I’m sick and tired I try to be positive no matter what the activity. Although I am not an outdoorsy girl, I do enjoy the scenic views and feel when I am outside. I mostly enjoy outdoor activities rather than viewing nature such as waterskiing, hiking, and bike riding. I love the beauty of flowers blooming in the spring and adorable, small animals. Yet when it comes to pollen allergies, I tend to be a nature hater. All in all, I wouldn’t consider myself a nature lover, but very appreciative to what it has to offer.
This was my first trip to the Arboretum. I had never been to a garden to view it or roam around it as a choice. Of course I have been to places with gardens inside of it, but the greenery weren’t the main focus.
I was surprised when I walked over to only see a huge field. Once I walked inside, to my disbelief was gorgeous scenery. Not only from the many types of flowers, trees, vegetables, and grass, but from the architecture such as the main building, fountains and abstract art and carvings. My favorite thing about the gardens was the breath taking view of the mountains surrounding University Park. Looking from a distance felt so overjoyed to be in the Happy Valley.
Even the smallest details in the Botanical Gardens expressed so much beauty. As I journeyed through the winding turns of the cement paths bordered by fully blossomed flowers, I stopped and noticed a dead patch of land. Perhaps the land was going to be redone or the flowers had withered in that area. An ordinary bench was placed between. On a small plaque stated “A Gift From A Grateful Son”. Something like this is so touching to me. Throughout the Arboretum there is a lot of hidden meaning and a lot of work and dedication put into it as well.
State College is an energy filled town. No matter if it’s a Sunday football game or a rainy Tuesday afternoon, the campus is always swarmed with thousands of people and hundreds of things to do. I think I would like to come to the Botanical Gardens again to walk around, relax, clear my head, or even study for an exam. It is calming to find a place like this in such a busy place like State College. I will definitely be back soon, but next time with a book in hand and freed mind.


  1. Jess,

    You got some great photos! I'm glad the gardens helped cheer you a little. :)


  2. I like the alliteration in your title! We got a lot of similar photos, they look amazing! I love how you payed attention to the close details at the Arboretum. I would never have noticed the plaque on the bench but it is so sweet and Im glad you included it.
