
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Talking about Blogs

Template: While brainstorming about my blog, I imagined a place where readers felt invited. I wanted to draw the readers in not only with my words, but with the design as well. The template is warm, appealing, and pleasurable.
The feeling I want my audience to have while reading my blog is kicking their shoes off and relaxing. This is evident in the powerful sunset background to the cozy, peach font color choice.
 I think my choices say a lot about myself and even so the readers. The visual argument of the sunset appeals to Pathos of the reader. Everyone has seen a sunset that has given him or her a warm, fuzzy feeling. This says something about me as a person. I truly enjoying making others feel good about them. Although I want my blog to do just that, I also intend it to challenge my audience in ways to think critically about different situations.

Title: Even though I may only have this blog for one college semester, I want my readers to understand how I see the world through my eyes. Everyone has different perspectives and it is my job as a blogger to challenge them.

Other components: One component that I decided to display was the fish tank. Not only do the colors match the template, but also they convey the idea of a relaxed and friendly environment. I want my readers to be comfortable while viewing my blog, not thinking they are reading a 15-page term paper.

About me: In my about me section I wrote some facts about myself that I think are important to my character such as my hobbies and favorite foods. There is a hint of humor in giving the audience another glimpse of my personality.

All in all, I think my blog portrays me as well as cyberspace web log can represent. The experience of making the blog wasn’t too difficult for a tech-savvy teenager like myself especially having experiences similar with Tumblr and Twitter. I hope to use this blogging experience to understand other students like me (and different from me) at Penn State. Through this blog I hope to become a better writer. Sometimes, blogs are lost in the vast World Wide Web. Most importantly, I aim to use this blog to find better ways to accumulate information from the Internet such as Blogger.


  1. Hi Jessica,

    I like that the image of the cyclist contrasts with the contrast, giving us both a bit of the casual, laid-back feel you describe, and the idea that you want to "challenge" your readers.


  2. I thought it was interesting that you decided to write about The Paws at the Palmer. I spent so much time looking at all of the pieces inside the museum that I didn't even think to appreciate the art outside! I agree with you that the piece symbolizes the pride that Penn Staters should feel for their school. The paws are so massive in size that they emanate power and strength. With all of the tough times that we are facing as a community, we need small reminders like this piece that things will get better. Thanks for pointing out something so interesting, but so easy to overlook!

  3. I just wanted to say that the fish tank was a really cool touch to the blog. The second I saw moving fish I was immediately interested in this blog, and once I found out you could feed the fish I was amazed i must have fed the fish for like a solid ten minutes. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the setup of your template is very inviting to readers.
